Logging in Inngest v2.0.0+
Log handling could have some caveats when working with serverless runtimes.
One of the main problems is due to how serverless providers terminates after a function exits. There might not be enough time for a logger to finish flushing, which results in logs being lost.
Another (opposite) problem is due to how Inngest handles memorization and code execution via HTTP calls to the SDK.
A log statement outside of step
function could end up running multiple times, resulting in duplicated deliveries.
// with v1 SDK
async ({ event, step }) => {
logger.info("something") // this can be ran three times
await step.run("fn", () => {
logger.info("something else") // this will always be ran once
await step.run(...)
We provide a thin wrapper over existing logging tools, and export it to Inngest functions in order to mitigate these problems, so you as the user don't need to deal with it and things should work as you expect.
A logger
object is available within all Inngest functions. You can use it with the logger of your choice,
or if absent, logger
will default to use console
const fn = inngest.createFunction(
{ name: "My awesome function" },
{ event: "func/awesome" },
async ({ event, step, logger }) => {
logger.info("starting function", { metadataKey: "metadataValue" })
const val = await step.run("do something", () => {
if (somethingBadHappens) logger.warn("something bad happened")
return { success: true, event }
The exported logger provides the following interfaces.
export interface Logger {
info(...args: any[]): void;
warn(...args: any[]): void;
error(...args: any[]): void;
debug(...args: any[]): void;
These are very typical interfaces and are also on the RFC5424 guidelines, so most loggers you choose should work without issues.
Using your preferred logger
Running console.log
is good for local development, but you probably want something more when running workloads in Production.
The following is an example using winston as the logger to be passed into Inngest functions.
import { Inngest } from "inngest";
import winston from "winston";
/// Assuming we're deploying to Vercel.
/// Other providers likely have their own pre-defined environment variables you can use.
const env = process.env.VERCEL_ENV || "development";
const ddTransportOps = {
host: "http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com",
path: `/api/v2/logs?dd-api-key=${process.env.DD_API_KEY}&ddsource=nextjs&service=inngest&ddtags=env:${env}`,
ssl: true
const logger = winston.createLogger({
level: "info",
exitOnError: false,
format: winston.format.json(),
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console(),
new winston.transports.Http(ddTransportOps)
// Pass `logger` to the Inngest client, and this winston logger will be accessible within functions
export const inngest = new Inngest({
name: "My awesome app",
logger: logger,
How it works
There is a built-in logging middleware that provides a good default to work with.
child logger
If the logger library supports a child logger .child()
implementation, the built-in middleware will utilize it to add
function runtime metadata for you.
- function name
- event name
- run ID
Loggers supported
The following is a list of loggers we're aware of that works, but is not an exhaustive list.